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43 M-ap
Recipe:Apple 1/4ea/Yogurt 30ml/Blend Tea 30ml(Sencha, Brown rice tea and Jasmine)/Apple Juice 40ml/Lemon Juice 7ml/Egg white 1ea
Steps:Put all the ingredients in a mixer. Shake it with a Boston Shaker. Double-strain it into a glass. Garnish with Apple and Lavender.
Provided by:Bar Vie Lembranca/Shuji Akiya
Recipe:Natural Gin D/D 6㎖/Chouchein 60㎖/Kuromoji Tea30㎖/Syrup 1tsp/NEMA Absinthe 8㎖
Glass:Wine Glass
Steps:Mix alll the ingredients and throwing them. Pour it into a glass.
Provided by:Low Non Bar
Japanese citrus “non”sake
Recipe:Non-alcoholic Liquor Laurel Special Free 60ml/Yuko Vinegar 10ml/Soda 50ml/Yuko(Yuzu) Peel
Glass:Flute Glass
Steps:Put all the ingredients into a continer. Put it into a Wine Glass. Add Soda and stir it slowly.Twist Yuko/Yuzu Peel.
Provided by:emmy
Missed Cablegram
Recipe:NEMA Whisky 30ml/Ginger Ale(or Ginger Beer) 120ml
Steps:Put all the ingredients in a mug and build. Garnish with Sliced Orange and Herb as you want. Twist Flamed Orange Zest.
Provided by:Cocktail Bar Nemanja/Hojo Tomoyuki
Recipe:NEMA Whisky 45ml/Salted seaweed Caramel Syrup 2tsp/Angostura Bitters 1drop *Salted seaweed Caramel Syrup:Granulated Sugar 500g/Kelp Stock 525ml/Apple Vinegar a little/Sea Salt as needed
Glass:Rock Glass
Steps:Put all the ingredients into a glass with ice and Stir well.
Provided by:The Certain Bar/Shuhei Nomura
Not Jaws
Recipe:Seedlip Citrus 30ml/Citric Acid Solution 20ml/Clarified Orange Juice 50ml/Clear Grilled Tomato Syrup 20ml/Salt 1 pinch/Cherry /Tomato
Glass:Shark shaped TIKI Mug
Steps:Build all the ingredients and Garnish with Tomato and Cherry.
Provided by:The Odd Couple/Satoshi Sugiura
Oriental Lady
Recipe:Monin Amaretto Syrup 15ml/Monin Bitter Syrup 10ml/Monin Pomegranate Syrup 5ml/Caraibos Passionfruit Juice 45ml/Tonic Water as needed(full up)
Steps:Shake all the ingredients (except Tonic Water). Pour it into a glass with ice. Top with Tonic Water and stir.
Provided by:BAR Nekomata-ya/Hirohito Arai
Piña Hierbas
Recipe:Pineapple as needed/Calpis 30ml/Mineral Water 100ml/Dill as needed/Black Pepper
Steps:Heat Pineapple, Calpis, Mineral Water and Dill up and chill them. Strain it into a glass with ice. Garnish Dill and spinkle Black Pepper.
Provided by:emmy
Quirky Grasshopper
Recipe:NEMA Whisly 40ml/Vanilla Ice 70g/Honey Water 10ml/Lemon Juice 1tsp/Black Pepper as needed/Crushed Ice as needed
Glass:Cocktail Glass
Steps:Put all the ingredients (except Black Pepper) in a mixer. Strain it into a glass. Spinkle Black Pepper.
Provided by:Low Non Bar
Spring Cooler
Recipe:Clarified Amazake 40ml/Lemon Juice 1tsp/Soda 40ml/Kizashi Tonic 40ml/Spica
Steps:Pour all the ingredients execpt Spica into a glass. Garnish with Spica.
Provided by:Low-Non-Bar
Sweet Healing
Recipe:Amazake 50ml/How Water 150ml(*the amount depends on Amazake)/Peach Syrup 5ml/Ginger Juice 1tsp/Salt a little
Glass:Cup or Heat Resistant Glass
Steps:Mix well Amazake and Hot water in a cup. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir softly.
Provided by:The Peninsula Tokyo : Peter Bar/Mitsuhiro Nakamura
S/S Sling
Recipe:Non-Alcoholic Sake 60ml/Campari Syrup 2tsp/Hard Water 30ml/Shiso 1ea
Glass:Wine Glass
Steps:Shake all the ingredients except Hard Water. Strain it into a glass and add Hard Water.
Provided by:Low Non Bar
Truffle Honey-ni
Recipe:NON 2 30ml/Trufle Honey 1tsp(or Truffle Honey Water 10ml~15ml)/Fresh Grapefruit Juice 45ml/Fresh Lime Juice 1tsp/Carib Syrup 1tsp/Tonic up
Steps:Put all the ingredients except Tonic in a shaker. Pour it into a glass with ice. Top with Tonic.
Provided by:Low Non Bar
Umami Virgin Mary
Recipe:NEMA Whisky 45ml/Fresh fruit Tomato 1ea/Tomato Juice 60ml/Fresh Lemon Juice 5ml/Shiitake mushroom Tea Powder 1/2tsp/Black Truffle Salt as needed/Basil 1
Glass:Cocktail Glass
Steps:Put all the ingredients in a blender and Throw it. Pour it into a glass with black truffle salt on the rim. Garnish with Basil. Sprinkle Black Truffle (and pepper and spices, if you want)
Provided by:Low Non Bar
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